About the author Horace Dobbs.
Horace Dobbs is uniquely
qualified to write this book because he himself has been beckoned
by the "call of the deep". He has dived in all the
oceans of the World and has made special study of dolphins.
Virtually all of the encounters Dilo has while growing up Horace
has also experienced: he has been in the middle of a shark
feeding frenzy, dived with seals and fanned scallops with his
fins until they rose from the seabed and were swimming around him
by rapidly opening and closing their shells. At the time he was
wearing full diving equipment and was so amused by the incident
that he sat on the seabed and conducted the underwater ballet of
the Clop-Clops with his snorkel tube.
Horace has a wonderful gift for recounting such adventures, and
has enthralled live audiences of all ages including
children with learning difficulties.
Horace Dobbs is the author of numerous books. In addition to
presenting his own films Horace is a popular interviewer on radio
and TV.
Horace founded in 1978 International Dolphin Watch (IDW), a
non-profit organisation dedicated to the care and understanding
of dolphins especially their relationship with humans.
For more information about IDW look under Links